Scientific Trip to Directorate of Execution I in Erbil

As part of the educational activities organized by the Faculty of Law at Tishk International University (TIU), a visit was arranged to the Erbil Execution Directorate I  on May 2nd, 2024. The purpose of this visit was to provide our 5rd-grade students with valuable insights into the practical workings of the Execution Directorate, particularly the Execution process. This visit was conducted under the supervision of Dr.Muhammed Abdulkarim, who ensured that our students had a comprehensive understanding of the directorate’s work and activities.

The aim of this visit was to provide students with an opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge of the Execution process, which is particularly important for students interested in pursuing careers in the fields of social science and law. At Tishk International University, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible education and exposing them to diverse learning opportunities, so that they may be able to thrive in their future.