National Workshop : National and International Workshop Mechanisms to Strengthen and Protect Human Rights

The Faculty of Law at Tishk International University (TIU) organized a National Workshop on National and International Mechanisms to Strengthen and Protect Human Rights, held on December 11th, 2023. The workshop, as part of the university’s educational activities, brought together speakers Mr. Ziato Siani  Human Rights Officer at UNAMI and Mr. Hemn Bajalani, a previous member of high commission for human rights in Iraq, moderated by Asst. Lecturer. Badr Mustafa. The event was graced by the  Dean of the Faculty of Law Dr. Hussein Balisani, faculty members, teachers, students, and guests. The workshop discussed how protection and enhancement of human rights involve a combination of local and international mechanisms, and how these mechanisms are designed to ensure that individuals enjoy fundamental rights and liberties.

The interaction between local and international mechanisms is crucial for fostering a comprehensive approach to human rights protection and ensuring accountability at both levels. Effective collaboration and coordination are essential to address global human rights challenges.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein Balisani, on behalf of the Faculty of Law, expressed sincere gratitude to the speakers and the moderator for their insightful presentations. He underlined the commitment of the faculty to continue fostering similar academic insertional workshops endeavors in the future, reinforcing the university’s dedication to providing a comprehensive education that extends beyond traditional classrooms.