Seminar: The Employee’s Responsibility for Sleeping During Official Working Hours
A seminar titled “The Employee’s Responsibility for Sleeping During Official Working Hours” was conducted by Dr. Muhammad Abdulkarim on May 29th, 2024, in the Faculty of Law at Tishk International University (TIU). The seminar was conducted in Hall 441 of the Main Building and was attended by Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussien Balisani, Dean of Faculty, Sabah Qasim, Head of Department, and other staff members.
The seminar’s objective is to investigate a negative behaviour that has an impact on public employment and, concurrently, a natural behaviour that is inherent to human nature. Consequently, when confronted with this behaviour, we are confronted with two issues: the interest that necessitates the employee to remain alert, and the behaviour that is inherent to all living organisms. The principles that govern the operation of public facilities, particularly the issue of the regularity of public facilities, are in conflict with the sleep of the public employee.
This was not stipulated in the Iraqi State Employees Discipline Law No. 14 of 1991 or the Professional Conduct Instructions for Public Employees in the Kurdistan Region No. 1 of 2006, despite the fact that it was in the comparative countries. The actual occurrence of sleep, the duration of sleep, the time of sleep, the location of sleep, and the number of times of sleep are all required for the employee’s responsibility to sleep during work. Nevertheless, the employee may be absolved of liability if the sleep was conducted during break times, out of sight, or for medical reasons.
Keywords: Law, Participation, Higher Education, Education, Students, University Students.